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As the 2024 growing season comes to an end, listen in to our final "In the Field with BASF" This agronomic video series delivers expert advice through interviews with top university plant pathologists, technical representatives, and extension professionals. Ideal for growers, agronomists, and agriculture enthusiasts, this series offers localized insights and timely updates on disease incidence and severity, scouting tips, practical application recommendations, and what we've learned this season.
In this interview, we hear from Tamra Jackson-Ziems, Extension Plant Pathologist with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Tamra highlights the two corn diseases that were most top-of-mind for Nebraska growers this season – Southern rust and tar spot. The timing of disease infection, coupled with the fact that tar spot is a relatively new disease, added complexity in terms of fungicide application timing in 2024. She provides an overall corn and soybean harvest update and discusses what growers are seeing in terms of fungicide efficacy and harvestability. The video closes with looking ahead to the 2025 growing season – what management practices growers should keep in mind and what public resources are available.
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