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We are seeing more stink bugs in seedling corn than we typically do this time of year.
Corn is most susceptible to stink bug damage from V2-V7, and then later in the season from V14-R4.Scout and spray 3-5 days following adjacent wheat harvest if needed. While wheat is a host, “the primary issue of stink bugs in corn is now primarily linked to having soybeans the previous year.”
-Dr. Reisig (NCSU Entomologist)The stink bug on the left is a rice stink bug and does not cause damage to corn. The one on the right is a brown stink bug, the most common pest stink bug species we deal with. Start along field edges near host source areas (wheat, weeds, etc) and check at least 20 plants in a row. If they are around the edges check to see if they are present further into the field.
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