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Info on herbicide cutoff by soybean stageLet’s start with the pre-emergence herbicides. Verdict, Sharpen, Prowl, and Zidua PRO herbicides can not be applied to emerged soybeans. The safest applications of these herbicides are the day of or before planting. If you’re having trouble keeping up with the planter you can apply after planting but I would caution to not make applications within at least 3 days of expected soybean emergence.
Photo below: Soybean VC stageGrowing degree day models can give a relatively accurate prediction of expected soybean emergence. Under ideal conditions, soybean emergence can occur in less than 7 days. So 3 days after planting would be a good conservative cutoff for applications of PRE herbicides.
Photo below: Almost V1 (still VC)Residual PRE-POST herbicides: Outlook herbicide can be applied to V5 (5th trifoliate) and Zidua WG and Zidua SC herbicides can be applied to V6 (6th trifoliate). Remember to add these herbicides to POST applications in fields with waterhemp or Palmer pigweeds.
Photo below: V1 (1st trifoliate) soybeansPOST herbicides: Engenia herbicide can be applied until R1 or 45 days after planting whichever comes first. Do not apply Engenia after 45 days after planting or R1, whichever comes first. Check your state regulations as some states prohibit Engenia applications after a certain date. Engenia is a restricted use pesticide. See for more information.
Photo below: R1 soybean stage (start of bloom)POST herbicides: Liberty herbicide can be applied up to bloom or the start of R1. In other words, all applications of Liberty must be made before the start of bloom in soybeans.
Varisto (Basagran + Raptor premix) can be applied from V1 until prior to bloom.
Always follow label instructions.
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