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Alternaria is a devastating disease in Almonds, causing major yield loss and effects that can have impacts for years. In areas with a history of Alternaria most PCAs and growers consider it a successful season if they still have leaves left on the tree when they get to harvest. Alternaria causes rapid defoliation of leaves reducing photosynthesis and effecting bud differentiation for next years crop. Even heavy defoliation past hull split can reduce starch accumulation in the roots and bark that is needed to push blooms the following season. Infections occur quickly during summer months when heat and free moisture is present but initial infections occur in early spring as young leaves emerge. Merivon continues to be a backbone product in many disease control programs because of it wide spectrum of control, strong residual activity and plant health benefits. Keep your trees happy and performing with Merivon Fungicide.
#Specialty #Merivon #Almond Four Application Merivon Based Program (group 3, Merivon, group 3, Merivon) Rosedale CA 2020Alternaria Infection in Untreated Almonds Rosedale CA 2020
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