With the large number of prevent plant acres over the last two growing seasons, perennials like Canada thistle are too common in South Dakota crop fields. Now is the time to control tough perennial weeds.Distinct is an outstanding choice for a fall herbicide application. Distinct contains two modes of action (dicamba, a Group 4 and diflufenzopyr, a Group 19). Diflufenzopyr will “supercharge” your fall burndown by concentrating dicamba (and 2,4-D, if added) in the above- and below-ground growing points of weeds for stronger and quicker activity. This results in control of bigger weeds and better perennial weed control than a solo growth regulator like 2,4-D.
In the fall, biennial and perennial weeds are moving nutrients to their roots, which means they’ll also move systemic herbicides to their roots. Successful applications can still be made to Canada thistle if nighttime low temperatures are not consistently at or below freezing.
Distinct will also control emerged problem weeds like marestail and winter annual broadleaves.Best Recommendation for Perennials:
• 3-4 oz/acre of Distinct (use higher rate + 2,4-D in heavy Canada thistle pressure)
• 2,4-D product @ 0.5 lb ae/A
• glyphosate (optional to control grass and boost control of perennial weeds)
• NIS @ 1 qt/100 gal
• 9.5-17 lbs AMS/ 100 gal
Always read and follow label directions.
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