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Its that time of year again when citrus growers tend to tackle their grass problems in their groves. Guineagrass (Megathyrsus maximus) can be a nightmare in some groves as it can grow to a height up to 15 feet tall and cover up a citrus tree. Guinea grass is a very aggressive grass weed that tends to grow next to the trunk of the citrus trees. Next to the trunk is where water and fertilizer are plentiful which allows for maximum growth of this aggressive weed. Guinea grass also has a strong underground rhizome network which can easily search for water more than 3 feet deep. Fall is the best timing for a herbicide application as most of the plant's energy is going to the root system. Poast herbicide is an control option that is available to citrus growers that provides good weed control as well as safety to the citrus trees. One of the best ways to apply Poast is with a handgun spray rig with high pressure to blast into the guinea grass root ball. You have to be patient after your Poast application as it may take up to 21 days to see the true result of an application as shown above. Whether you decide to make a broadcast application or a spot spray application, Poast herbicide has the flexibility to be applied either way. Always read and follow label directions.
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