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Soybean seedling diseases are common in wet conditions, but the type of disease that makes its appearance is dependent on environmental conditions like temperature and soil type. The charts below break it down into what conditions each disease is most commonly found in. With the recent frosts we have had one thing to keep in mind is that frost injury can look similar to seedling disease. Frost damage appears as a discolored hyopcotyl. If the bean is further along in development , then the leaves may begin to turn brown and the plant may look wilted. The picture below shows a frost damaged soybean.With all of these symptoms looking so similar, one of the simplest ways to identify disease is to consider the environment. In warmer weather phytophthora is more prevalent, and in cooler weather pythium or rhizoctonia are the usual culprits, with rhizoctonia having distinct brick red lesions. Lastly, if beans were emerged during the frost be on the lookout for potential frost injury.
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