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With PRE herbicide applications this spring being erratic at best, many dry pea acres are starting to see weed escapes. Varisto Herbicide can be used to help manage these weed escapes. Varisto is a combination of Raptor and Basagran for POST broadleaf and grass management in dry field pea (not lentil or chickpea). For dry peas, apply 11 fl oz/A with COC or MSO + UAN @ 2.5 gal/100, this rate will do a good job controlling mustards and canola. For better broadleaf activity add 4-10 fl oz of Basagran 5L when kochia, lambsquaters, and Russian thistle are present. If grasses are the main concern, you can apply 16 fl oz of Varisto with an NIS (0.25% v/v) and UAN @ 2.5 gal/100, this rate will help manage grasses like wild oats, volunteer cereals, and foxtail spp. The addition of a clethodim product may also be added to these mixes for more intense grass control.
The 11 fl oz/A of Varisto contains 2 oz of Raptor and 9 oz of Basagran 5L.
The 16 fl oz/A of Varisto contains 3 oz of Raptor and 13 oz of Basagran 5L.
The safest application window to apply Varisto is when the peas are in the 3 leaf (pairs) to 6 leave (pairs)stage. This allows ample time for the peas to metabolize the herbicide application. Varisto can be applied up to the beginning of bloom. With Basagran 5L being a part of Varisto and a contact inhibitor, a minimum of 10 gallons of water per acre should be used for maximum efficacy.
If you have any thoughts or concerns please contact your local BASF representative.
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