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With some canola out of the ground and areas with freezing temperatures in the forecast, it may be a good time to review frost tolerance of spring seeded canola.If there is a frost event, the most important thing to do, may also be the hardest, remain patient. Wait 4-7 days before taking action. There are many different factors that weigh in on what temperature a canola plant can withstand. Plants that have undergone a hardening off could endure temps as low as 17 deg F. While ones that haven't may not survive 27 deg F. Length of frost, moisture conditions, speed of thawing, stage of plant, along many other variables all play into a canola plants frost tolerance.
So, rule of thumb, wait 4-7 days after frost event, if can see any green color at the growing point, the plant will recover and reseed most likely will not be necessary.
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