Heat stress in corn can significantly impact Plant Health, often causing decreased kernel size, reduced yield, and even total crop failure in severe instances. Elevated temperatures often induce a physiological crisis, compromising the plant's photosynthetic efficiency and water uptake. This, in turn, creates a domino effect that affects the overall growth and productivity of the corn plant.
In the face of such challenges, it's crucial to remember that there are viable solutions to protect and boost Plant Health:
1. Utilize a Fungicide such as BASF's Headline® AMP fungicide: This product enhances Plant Health and reinforces cellular structures, offering plants a solid line of defense against various stresses.
2. Increase Plant Tolerance to Heat Stress: With the help of Headline AMP fungicide, the plant's resilience towards heat stress can be significantly improved.
3. Improve Water Use Efficiency: By optimizing the plant's water uptake and use, crops can better withstand periods of high temperature.
4. Disease Protection: Apart from heat stress, BASF's fungicides also shield plants from various diseases, keeping them healthy and ensuring steady growth.
5. Foster Resilience Against Climatic Conditions: BASF's fungicides bolster plants' resilience, allowing them to thrive even in harsh climatic conditions.
6. Intelligent Use of Technologies: By leveraging the latest agricultural technologies, farmers can nurture more robust crops and secure future harvests.
7. Education and Knowledge: Equip yourself with the right tools and knowledge about Plant Health and heat stress management, as this would help in addressing such issues effectively.
Photo by BASF Staff
Photo: 10 fl oz/A Headline AMP fungicide vs untreated. Application occurred on June 12, 2012 on V8 Corn. Picture Taken July 10th, 2012. The July weather forecast (see images below) is calling for above normal temperatures and variable precipitation during pollination and early grain fill across the cornbelt. Don't let the forecast slow your corn down!
Photo by BASF Staff
Photo by BASF Staff
Pictures: NOAA July 2021 weather forecast for temperature and precipitation.
Corn originated in the Central Highlands of Mexico and adapted during its evolution to the predominant climatic conditions of this region, consisting of warm days and cool nights. It's important to note that during drought and heat stress, plants close their stomata to conserve water. This reduces the rate of transpiration and the plant wilts, decreasing light energy adsorption and reducing photosynthesis. If stomates are closed, canopy temperature goes up (see picture below), and increases ethylene (i.e. a plant stress hormone) cause the plants to mature faster ultimately reducing kernel number and weight.
Photo by BASF Staff
Picture: Corn canopy temperatures after a BASF fungicide application. Blue and green colors indicate cooler temperatures while red and orange colors indicate warmer temperatures. BASF fungicides such as, Priaxor® fungicide, Headline AMP fungicide, Veltyma® fungicide and Revytek® fungicide are proven to drive energy production and yield potential while increasing stomatal conductance allowing the crop to remain cool and maintain higher photosynthesis.
In addition to environmental stress, what about disease? These weather conditions (warm and humid, as depicted in the NOAA forecast pictures above) are going to be ideal for diseases like Gray Leaf Spot (GLS) and Tar Spot. There are no worries on giving up protection from stress or disease when using BASF’s newest fungicide, Veltyma fungicide.
Photo by BASF Staff
Picture: Grey Leaf Spot infection. Summer 2020.
Photo by BASF Staff
Picture: Tar Spot infection. Summer 2019.
Veltyma fungicide is powered by Revysol, a new active ingredient that brings superior extended fungal disease control and Plant Health benefits. This incredible residual control allows for an extended application window that starts before tassels are out and protects through grain fill. Most of the corn in Iowa and Illinois will be pollinating by mid-July. Apply now to protect your corn from yield robbing stress and disease! As always, read and follow label directions. Contact your local BASF representative for more information.
Always read and follow label directions. Headline AMP, Veltyma, Priaxor, Revytek, and Revysol are registered trademarks of BASF.
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