Many soybeans that were planted in May and early June are now entering the optimum application fungicide timing window of R3-R4 stage. In areas with recent rains, many retailers and growers planning to use ground application may struggle to get across wet fields.
Many growers and retailers often use ground application as the means for applying soybean fungicides. However, using aerial application to apply fungicides in soybean can also be very effective. Airplanes or helicopters that are properly calibrated can get good coverage of the soybean canopy. The downforce and air pushed into the canopy can indeed provide fungicide coverage into the lower soybean canopy and provide excellent disease protection and yield results. Regardless of how you apply soybean fungicides, it is important to apply Revytek®, Veltyma®, or Priaxor® in soybeans in a timely fashion during this R3-R4 growth stage.
If applying soybean fungicides with a ground rig:
Some considerations when applying by air:
Lastly, not placing fresh wheel tracks in your field can have some advantages too. Soybeans that are run down by tires at the R3 growth stage typically will not recover, and it is too late for the neighboring plants to compensate for the loss of the plant that was run over. For more information on this, see the Purdue article here:
Whether applying by air or by ground, the optimum timing for Revytek, Veltyma, or Priaxor in your soybean fields are upon us. On average, soybeans progress from the R2 (full flower) growth stage to R4 (full pod) in approximately ~19 days. Once pods are visible in one of the top 4, it is time to spray soybeans with fungicides. If you haven’t already started scouting, take some time over the next 10-14 days to check your soybean fields for Revytek, Veltyma, or Priaxor applications.
Reach out to your local BASF representative with any questions on BASF fungicides or fungicide timing in soybeans!
ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS Revytek, Veltyma, and Priaxor are registered trademarks of BASF Corporation. All rights reserved.
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