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We like to share success stories to tell you what people are saying about our products. Dr. David Kerns, Associate Department Head of Entomology and IPM Coordinator at Texas A&M University, had this to say about Sefina insecticide…
“Sefina insecticide is a new insecticidal mode of action that has shown efficacy for managing sugarcane aphid in sorghum while being soft on natural [aphid] enemies, which is significant to our ability to prevent aphid resurgence. Sefina insecticide offers excellent residual control, as long as 21 days, and I have not observed the need for a second insecticide application following Sefina insecticide use. Since Sefina insecticide is translaminar, it is absorbed by and can intoxicate aphids on both sides of the sorghum leaf making them essentially lose their coordination and stop feeding. Although some may fall from the plant immediately and die, most simply starve to death or dehydrate. Thus, death may take 4 days or so depending on the environmental conditions.”
Some of the benefits of Sefina insecticide include:
For more information on if Sefina is right for your Sorghum crop next growing season, reach out to your local BASF representative!
Always read and follow label directions.
This article was written by Technical Marketing Manager Albre Brown and Communication Specialist Presley Nickens.
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