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Mixing herbicides and fungicides in a single tank application can be a time-saving and efficient practice for corn growers. However, some combinations can lead to unintended consequences for your crop. This article will highlight two common tank mix mistakes to avoid and suggest alternative solutions that will keep your corn healthy and maximize yields.
📸: BASF employee/Featuring close-up shot of HPPD + strobilurin injury to corn.
Pre-tassel (V5-V8) fungicide applications in corn often go in a tank mix with corn POST herbicides. One combination to beware of is strobilurin fungicides* and group 27 (HPPD inhibitor) herbicides**. These combinations can sometimes cause yellowing of corn leaves (see photo above).
Adding atrazine to the combination can make symptoms worse. The corn will typically grow out of the yellowing streaks with no yield loss. A better alternative is to use Status® Herbicide and glyphosate herbicides for weed control when making pre-tassel applications of strobilurin fungicides. *(e.g., Priaxor® Fungicide, Veltyma® Fungicide, and other fungicide active ingredients ending in “strobin”) **(e.g., Armezon® Herbicide, Armezon® PRO Herbicide, mesotrione, tembotrione, and others).
📸: BASF employee/Featuring rat tailing injury to corn.
Status® Herbicide can interact with EC chloroacetamide herbicides*** (see list below) to cause “rat tailing” or “onion leafing” symptoms (see photo above). In severe cases, when the corn is wrapped tight enough, it can impact corn development and yield. A better alternative is to pair Status with Zidua® SC Herbicide for excellent knockdown and residual weed control. The Status Herbicide + Zidua SC Herbicide tank mix can be applied from 4-inch tall corn to V8.
***(e.g., Outlook® Herbicide, Armezon® PRO Herbicide, some other metolachlor or acetochlor-containing products, and others).
Before mixing components, always conduct a compatibility jar test. Always consult respective product labels for specific mixing instructions. The most restrictive label applies.
Always read and follow label directions. Grow Smart, Status, Priaxor, Veltyma, Armezon, Outlook, and Zidua are registered trademarks of BASF. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners and use of any such trademark does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by its owner. © 2024 BASF Corporation. All rights reserved.
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January 3, 2025