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Now that we finally have the Dry Beans in the ground, it’s time to think about your best weed control program to implement, especially since we have an abundance of moisture this season and a lot of weeds to control. Varisto® herbicide can be used to help manage these weeds. Varisto® herbicide is a combination of Beyond® Xtra herbicide (the old Raptor) and Basagran® herbicide for POST broadleaf and grass management in Dry Beans and Dry Field Pea (not lentil or chickpea).
📸: @eleonimages via Canva/Featuring field peas in hand.
For Dry Beans, apply 11-16 fl oz/A with MSO + AMS @ 15 lbs/100, this rate will do a good job controlling many important broadleaf and grass weeds, along with mustards and vol. canola. For better broadleaf activity add 4-10 fl oz of Basagran herbicide 5L when kochia, lambsquaters, and Russian thistle are present. The addition of Outlook® herbicide @ 10-12 fl oz/A will help provide residual control of pigweed spp. (Redroot pigweed, waterhemp, etc.) and grass weeds (foxtail, barnyardgrass, etc.). Outlook herbicide may be applied to V1-V3 Dry Beans. The addition of a clethodim herbicide may also be added to these mixes for improved POST grass control.
The safest application window to apply Varisto® herbicide is when Dry Beans are at the 1st fully expanded trifoliate stage (V1) and Field Pea are in the 3 leaf (pairs) to 6 leave (pairs)stage. Furthermore, all Varisto herbicide applications must be done prior to the R1 growth stage (first flower). With Basagran herbicide 5L being a part of Varisto herbicide and a contact inhibitor, a minimum of 10 gallons of water per acre should always be used for maximum efficacy, 15 GPA will almost always increase efficacy.
📸: BASF employee/Featuring untread (Left) and Varisto™ Herbicide @ 16 fl oz/A + Outlook® 12 fl oz/A + MSO + AMS (Right).
Before mixing components, always conduct a compatibility jar test. Always consult respective product labels for specific mixing instructions. The most restrictive label applies.
Always read and follow label directions. Basagran, Beyond, Varisto and Grow Smart are registered trademarks of BASF. ©2024 BASF Corporation. All rights reserved.
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