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With tassel time approaching in the next week or so, BASF has a couple great options for the 2020 plant health season as we have Headline AMP which is still an excellent product and we are also introducing Veltyma fungicide for the 2020 season. Veltyma was labeled late in 2019 so we were not able to sell it for 2019, but we did manage to get over 100 on-farm RevX trials out last year. There is a great database started of Veltyma going up against multiple competitors and generics in Nebraska and going against Headline AMP too for that matter. You can check those trials out at this website: has two unique sites of action with Headline as the group 11 active ingredient or strobi as some people refer to that class of fungicide.
Headline is really where we get the plant health benefits from a fungicide application and it actually has a plant health label, which no other strobi on the market can claim. This active ingredient helps give us the standability, stress mitigation, and stay green components you get from any fungicide that contains Headline as part of the makeup of a BASF fungicide. Veltyma and Headline AMP both have this unique active ingredient.Where Veltyma sets itself apart from the rest of the competition is, it also has a brand new active ingredient called Revysol which I've referred to in some past Grow Smart Live posts. Revysol is the DMI component in this fungicide or group 3 which is responsible for disease knockdown and control portion of the fungicide.
DMI's are not known for their residual activity, but because of the way Revysol acts differently than other DMI's we actually get great residual control of disease with Revysol unlike older DMI actives we’ve relied on in the past.
Revysol and in turn Veltyma gives us excellent control and long lasting residual over diseases in corn such as gray leaf spot, southern rust, tar spot & northern corn leaf blight.Headline AMP will be around for 2020 and is still the trusted go to product for many farmers across Nebraska and has been priced lower to reflect the launch of our new fungicide, but also consider checking out Veltyma as it’s brand new technology to the marketplace for 2020.
Give me a shout if you have further questions about these two great products from BASF as we roll into plant health season in corn in the next couple weeks.
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January 9, 2025