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If you haven't heard yet, the much anticipated reduction of the PHI from 21 days down to 7 days is now official! The New PHI of 7 Days allows growers to utilize Provysol later in the season which will be helpful as we fight against Cercospera Leaf Spot in sugarbeets. Southern MN sent out an email with results from NDSU lab results from leaf tissues in our growing area. Southern MN takes leaf samples from 20 fields each year and sends them to the lab to be tested for cross resistance in an effort to prevent resistance to the DMI triazoles we rely on to protect the crop. The graph above demonstrates their findings on the correlation of Inspire and Provysol. They're not saying you WILL breed resistance, they're saying that it is much more likely to happen with the two products in the same spray program. If you choose to use Inspire and Provysol this year, it's not time to panic. It is simply time to be aware that if you continue to use both products each year, its more lilkely the disease will eventually become resistant to both products. Much like using the same product twice, rather than rotating products. If this is still confusing, give me a shout and I can do my best to help you understand! Just a picture of the supplemental label with the active ingredients.
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