Citrus Mealybug (Planococcus citri) has become an emerging issue in CA citrus production after the loss of Chlorpyrifos as a viable control option in the state. Mealybug species extract sap from trees, reducing plant vigor, and excrete honeydew resulting in accumulation of sooty mood. Accumulation of sooty mold and hard lumps produced by Mealybug feeding both make fruit unmarketable. Unmanaged populations of Mealybug can continue to build, resulting in loss of tree vigor and eventually tree death. Sefina Insecticide is registered for suppression of citrus Mealybug, focused on activity on crawler and juvenile life stages. The combination of efficacy, safety to beneficial insects, activity on other summer pests in citrus (e.g. CA Red Scale) and application flexibility makes Sefina Insecticide a great new tool for CA Citrus producers. Keep it clean out there with Sefina Insecticide.
#Specialty #Citrus #Sefina #Mealybug Citrus Mealybug infestations on lemons in the CA Central Valley (Orosi, CA Aug 2020)
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