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With the recent cool snap in the Northeast, apple development has slowed to crawl. It is important to make sure you are keeping your trees covered for both primary and secondary scab infection, in addition to powdery mildew. Just be aware of total number of seasonal applications for both Cevya and Merivon.Cevya should be alternated with Merivon and other protectants during the bloom window to prevent apple scab infection. Outside of the bloom window Merivon can also be used to help control summer diseases and late season rots. It is recommended to save Merivon application for the end of the season to help control postharvest rots. Cevya: At the recommended 5 oz/a use rate you are limited to 3 applications per season.
Merivon: The label specifies a total of 4 applications per season with no more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to a fungicide with a different MOA.
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