Cercospora Leaf Spot can decimate a sugarbeet crop, in some cases 100% leaf defoliation of a sensitive variety. Managing this disease is vital to increasing both tons and recoverable sucrose. And with the ever-growing fungicide resistance problem, it’s more important than ever to have a powerful fungicide program.
BASF has recently brought to market a new fungicide that is highly effective on Cercospora Leaf Spot. Provysol Fungicide is a new Group 3 DMI fungicide with efficacy against CLS. In a 2019 trial (Figure 1 & 2) at the University of Wyoming Provysol, and Provysol + Headline recorded the lowest Cercospora Leaf Spot incidence and subsequently resulted in both the highest yield (ton/A), and recoverable sucrose vs six competitive treatments.
Use Provysol Fungicide at 4 fl oz/A at your first Cercospora Leaf Spot application timing, and mix with your desired tankmix partner (Tin, EBDC, etc.). Rotate with another fungicide mode of action, like Headline Fungicide, for your second application. Nonionic surfactant (NIS) can be added for better leaf coverage at the rate of 1 pt/100 gallons of water.
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