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As we get closer and closer to that first frost, it's time to think about those fall herbicide applications on winter annual and perennial weeds.
Winter annual and perennial weeds are the most difficult to control in alfalfa. The most effective timing for controlling these weeds is in the fall when the plant is sending energy to the root system for winter storage. A fall application allows us to send the herbicide to the roots, where you’ll achieve a better kill.
Pursuit is a great option for any mustard spp., as well as the best option for managing dandelion in an alfalfa crop. Apply 3-4 fl oz/A of Pursuit after a light frost or two when the weeds know it’s time to start sending their reserves to the root system. Alfalfa ideally should have >3” of regrowth for best results. Apply with MSO at 1 pt/A and AMS at 12-15 lb/100 gal.
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