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Harvest is the best time to collect soil samples for soybean cyst nematode (SCN) counts and to learn your number as you start making plans for the next season. To get the best samples here are a few tips. . .
Best way to Collect Soil Cores:
Collect 15 – 20 core samples at least 6-8 in. deep for every 20 acres. Remember, the more cores you take the better the sample will be. SCN are not uniformly distributed and are often aggregated, which can lead to highly variable results; Having more samples reduces the potential variability. Samples can be taken in a zig-zag pattern across the whole field, in target areas for management or from high-risk areas in the field.
What do I do after collecting cores?
Once you have all the core samples taken, mix them together well before placing 1-2 pints of the mix a soil sample bag for shipping. Make sure to keep soil samples in a cool, dark place until shipped. DO NOT leave them inside your truck!! SCN are heat sensitive and If your soil samples dry out or get overheated the test results might not reflect what’s in the field.
Severe SCN infestations can lead to stunting and yellowing of soybeans; however, these visuals can be easily mistaken for symptoms of compaction, nutrient deficiency, moisture stress, or herbicide injury. Even in fields without visible plant symptoms, yield losses up to 40% may occur.
Known for its outstanding performance on sudden death syndrome in soybeans, ILEVO seed treatment is also a broad-spectrum nematicide that effectively control many nematode species, including SCN, regardless of nematode life stage. ILEVO seed treatment can even be used with SCN-resistant varieties, adding another level of plant and yield protection by killing nematodes.
If you haven’t already started sampling, there is still time! For more additional information on SCN biology, how to test your fields for SCN, and additional management strategies visit:
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January 9, 2025