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Harvesting the crop is the number one priority when it comes to this time of year. It is important that growers have their settings right on the machines to capture grain in the machine and not let it flow through with the fodder. Especially when considering volunteer corn, the more grain that stays in the combine, the fewer weeds there are for the following year (and more bushels get hauled to the bin). Setting the proper fan speed and sieve settings also helps limit foreign material and weed seed from entering the clean grain hopper.
📸: BASF employee/Featuring combines harvesting soybeans.
Just remember that a combine providing a very clean grain sample is doing a great job of throwing any weed seeds that were captured back into the field. In the weed science community, combines are sometimes referred to as "great weed seeders"... While it is understood that it is not practical to clean out a combine for weed seeds prior to switching fields, it should be recognized that combines have significant potential for moving weed seeds (like waterhemp) from field to field. One tactic to consider is harvesting the most troublesome fields last. Also, know where your equipment may have come from prior to purchase.
📸: BASF employee/Featuring fields ready for harvest.
Some interesting research has been conducted by Dr. Kevin Bradley at the University of Missouri. He has evaluated the value of seed destructors as an add-on for a combine. The idea of this device is that it grinds or smashes any seeds captured by the combine prior to spreading them back into the field.
The ability of combines to spread weed seed will be a challenge for the foreseeable future. However, it is an important factor to consider when trying to manage waterhemp. Reducing the seed bank with waterhemp can help layered residual programs with Zidua® SC herbicide and Outlook® herbicide be more effective.
Before mixing components, always conduct a compatibility jar test. Always consult respective product labels for specific mixing instructions. The most restrictive label applies.
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